If you’d like to know what usage rights apply to Dig Media Ltd’s websites and content you can find out here.
The website is hosted by The site infrastructure and templates are owned by them.
Dig branding
The Dig branding including logo, brand lockups, idents, and other materials as displayed on our website, social channels and Omeka database are owned by Dig Media Ltd.
Archive channels
Dig Media Archive (Youtube)
The digital outputs hosted by Youtube are owned by Dig Media Ltd. The content was created as part of a National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) project and they have an Attribution Noncommercial Share-a-like 4.0 International license.
Dig TV (Youtube)
The digital outputs generated as part of the NLHF project are shared with an All Rights Reserved license disclaimer due to the content being under copyright to other rights holders. We share this content from our archive with this in mind.
The digital outputs hosted by Flickr are owned by Dig Media Ltd. These images are shared as part of an NLHF project and have an Attribution Noncommercial Share-a-like 4.0 International license.
If you have any useful copyright information relating to any of these works, or have a legitimate claim to any of them, please do not hesitate to contact us at with the ‘unique identifier’ of the item (which looks something like this DIG-001-001) which can be found in the description of the archive object or in the metadata on the Omeka database.
We will then look at your claim and act accordingly.